Reposted from Michael Stoner’s blog so we can collect comments here.
By: Michael Stoner
One of the main reasons I’m looking forward to the AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education this year (fyi: #amahighered) is because I’m doing an Advanced Marketing Session with Fritz McDonald from Stamats and Rachel Reuben from Ithaca College. Entitled “The Success Conversation: A dialogue about how your institution can leverage its online communications to meet its goals,” we’re hoping that we (and you: see below for how you can contribute) will be able to start a real conversation about how to be successful with an institution’s most important marketing channels.
Here’s the description of the session we submitted to AMA:
Need a moment? It’s not easy, fast, or cheap to make choices when technology is constantly evolving. There’s a staggering array of tools to use, trends to follow, and people urging you to do more. Still, achieving an excellent online presence isn’t a nice-to-have in 2010: it’s a necessity. Building a cohesive, broad-reaching, and successful Internet brand is a marriage of art, artifice, technology, and culture—and a challenge for everybody. In this session, we’ll encourage you to take a deep breath and join a conversation. We’ll pinpoint fundamental questions you should ask, look at what works (and what doesn’t) and explore some significant trends. What you’ll get out of it: a team of multiple, complementary and overlapping perspectives and the opportunity to articulate your challenges and success stories.
This is an ambitious agenda, and we need your help. We’ve posed a number of questions to that we’re going to use to start the conversation. We’d love to have your feedback: please let us know what you’d like to share with colleagues in marketing for colleges and universities. Share your thoughts about one, or all, of these questions that we believe are fundamental to building a coherent online brand:
- What are the primary challenges/issues that are top of mind of people for people focusing on their institution’s online presence (websites, social media, etc.)?
- What are fundamental questions you should be asking about your institution’s online presence in 2010-2011?
- What have we learned that works—and doesn’t work?
- Are there significant trends that marketers should be paying attention to?
Personally, I’m really excited about doing this session with Fritz and Rachel. They’re smart and insightful: it should be an inspiring session. Even more so if we have your help!
1 Comment
Tweets that mention Help Shape Our Presentation for the AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Education « Rachel Reuben Consulting, LLC -- · October 27, 2010 at 8:10 am
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rachel Reuben, Mike Petroff. Mike Petroff said: RT @rachelreuben: Attending or not, help shape our presentation for AMA Symposium for the Marketing of Higher Ed? […]